Friday, March 28, 2025
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Archaeological Museum
To our credit there is an Ethno-archeological museum displaying artifacts of Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, megalithic and medieval periods. Museum focuses on ‘a walk through Kerala’s Past…………’ where class room teaching is integrated with hands on experience in field archaeology where students are familiarized with artefacts and archaeological antiquities pertaining specifically to Kerala archaeology. There are potteries such as red ware, black ware,black and red ware, rouleted ware, Chinese and glazed Islamic ware. Moreover, there are Burial urns, Iron implements, Beads, Coins, Inscriptions, Granite sculptures and so on. School has conducted two excavations in Anakkara (Palakkad district) and two salvage excavations to salvage megalithic remains in the years 2012 and 2014 (one in Neendur, Kottayam and two in Mankulam, Idukki).

Ability Station
ABILITY project involves structural alterations to premise, acquisition and installation of special assistance fixtures and fittings, computer hardware and software for the visually challenged. ABILITY conducts training sessions in assistive technologies and re-creates SSS as a barrier-free environment for physically challenged students and researchers. ABILITY has two major components: first, effecting structural alterations to SSS premises to make it friendly to the physically challenged, and second, setting up a workstation equipped with special assistance fixtures and fittings and electronic hardware and software for the physically challenged, especially the visually challenged.

Now ABILITY has a wheelchair accessible ramp to both its work station and to the dining and recreational area. Work station of the ABILITY provides students and researchers access to all our special assistive gadgets, desktops and laptops. Currently the ABILITY Workstation is equipped with three desktops and three laptops installed with the screen reader software NVDA and ORCA for the visually challenged. We have deferent types of assistive gadgets including Braille Printer, OCR reader, Daisy Players etc. for visually challenged students.

In addition, there is an ongoing project digitalising archives which converts text file to a read file for the visually impaired and to preserve the texts for future. This archive is open to all concerned. It is known as “Archives sans Borders”.

Community Development Programmes
Initiated community development programmes which was focused on women empowerment in the Malloossery Grama Panchayat where the School is located and tribal studies as part of the extension programmes.