Friday, March 28, 2025
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The School of Social Sciences (SSS) was established in October 1989 as an interdisciplinary department in accordance with the directives of the University Grants Commission to facilitate teaching and research beyond the conventional disciplinary boundaries. Rather than an assemblage of centers specializing several disciplines as
independent facets, it is a single centre for teaching and research cutting across conventional contours and boundaries of disciplines. All the major social science disciplines are dealt with at the SSS, as vigorously interacting disciplines that incessantly nullify their status as free-standing domains.

Our efforts are to identify and explore along the frontiers of Social Sciences disciplines, discerning new objects of knowledge relevant to human affairs and social processes which cannot be tied down to any particular discipline necessitating interdisciplinarity. This is being carried forward to extend socially useful insights of social sciences to people’s everyday life, and to empower them for constructive participation in national policy debates. The school has succeeded in undertaking interdisciplinary research projects seeking to evolve strategies, combining economic growth and equity and helped to resolve social problems of development with insights of ecological sustainability in matters of judicious and conservation oriented use of contested natural resources. It has also tried to facilitate inter-university interaction, co-operation, collaboration and exchange amongst experts of interdisciplinary specialization of seminal importance in any part of the world.

The School of Social Sciences (SSS) was established in 1989 as an interdisciplinary department in accordance with the directives of the University Grants Commission to facilitate teaching and research beyond the conventional disciplinary boundaries. The interdisciplinary structure, composition and academic practices of SSS have enabled it in securing several international recognitions.

Faculty Achievements

  • Two fellowships of Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
  • Nomination to Editorial Board, Journal of Development and Change
  • Position of Executive Councillor, International Association of Semiotics, Vienna
  • Invited Professorship of Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociale, Paris
  • Deanship in Humanities, Kannur University
  • Joint Secretary ship of Indian History Congress
  • Nomination to the Experts Panel of Indian Academy of Sciences
  • UGC Career Award

Student Achievements

  • Cambridge Nehru Fellowship for PhD Research
  • Full Bright Fellowship
  • SEPHIS Grant