Friday, March 28, 2025
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All academic programmes of the School of Social Sciences are interdisciplinary in nature and we do follow Credit and Semester System (CSS). Curriculum is developed according to the new concerns of the course where participatory method has been incorporated to develop the themes of the programmes. To develop such a mode of curriculum, SSS has various academic bodies namely Faculty Council, Board of Studies and the Academic Council. Keeping the vision of doing interdisciplinary social sciences, the syllabi of the programmes are frequently updated and introduce new courses in emerging areas of specialization.

The total credits for four semester M.A. Programme is 72 (Core:56; Elective:12; Open Course: 4). Students have the flexibility to take one open course of four credits for semester III from any other Schools under the Faculty of Social Science. Curriculum is also improved through the systematic collection of feedback from students. The School offers three M.Phil. programmes involving six months course work and subsequent submission of dissertation. SSS Ph.D. programme is also interdisciplinary in nature and there is one semester course work for understanding social science concepts, theories and their application in empirical context.

(a) M.A. Programmes in History and Anthropology
(b) M.Phil. in General Social Sciences; Social Transformation and Empowerment; and Human
Ecology and Natural History
(c) Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

M.Phil. Programmes (Currently not offered)

  • M.Phil. in Anthropology
  • M.Phil. in Economics
  • M.Phil. in History
  • M.Phil. in Sociology
  • M.Phil. in Human Ecology/Natural History
  • M.Phil. in Social Science Policy

M.A. Programmes (Total Intake: 40)

  • M.A. Anthropology
  • M.A. History

Ph.D. Programme
49 researchers have been registered as PhD students studying various interdisciplinary topics. So far ten have been awarded PhD.