Thursday, February 13, 2025
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The term “prehistoric age” generally refers to the period of human history before written records were kept. It’s a broad term encompassing a vast stretch of time, beginning with the emergence of early human ancestors and spanning until the development of writing systems, which varied in different regions of the world.


Celts (Location: Neolithic Period, Chalakudy River Basin, Ernakulam)


The term “Celt” refers to a type of prehistoric tool that was commonly used during the late Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Celt is a type of stone or metal tool used for woodworking or agriculture. The primary function of a Celt was for woodworking tasks such as chopping, carving, and shaping wood. It could be used for felling trees, splitting logs, hollowing out wooden vessels, and crafting various wooden objects.


Microliths  (Location: Anakkara, Palakkad)


Microliths were typically produced by carefully knapping (flaking) a larger stone into small, standardized bladelets or flakes. These bladelets often had sharp edges and were shaped into various geometric forms, including triangles, rectangles, crescents, and trapezoids.

Microliths are small stone tools that were crafted by various prehistoric cultures around the world, particularly during the Mesolithic period (Middle Stone Age), which lasted roughly from 10,000 to 6,000 years ago, depending on the region. These tools are characterized by their small size, usually ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in length, and their geometric shapes.


Hand Axe  (Location: Paleolithic Period Narmada River Basin, Madhya Pradesh)


A hand axe is a prehistoric stone tool characterized by its distinctive shape and purpose. It is one of the earliest and most iconic artifacts associated with early human ancestors, particularly those of the Lower Paleolithic period. The Narmada River basin covers a large area spanning the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. Situated in central India, has been of considerable archaeological interest due to its rich history of human habitation dating back to prehistoric times. The Narmada River basin has numerous archaeological sites that have yielded Paleolithic artifacts, including stone tools. These sites range from open-air locations to rock shelters and cave complexes


Cleaver  (Location: Paleolithic Period Narmada River Basin, Madhya Pradesh)

A cleaver is a type of large, heavy knife characterized by its broad blade and relatively straight edge. It is primarily used for chopping, cutting, and slicing meat and bone in food preparation. Cleavers are widely used in various culinary traditions around the world and are particularly common in Asian cuisines.