Friday, March 28, 2025
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Current Research Scholars

Full Time Research Scholars currently working since 2016


Dr.Tiji P V

(Post – Doctoral Fellow)


Sooraj M V

Research Scholar
Self Alienation Among Transgender, Patriarchy, Sexuality and Identities
Guide: Dr. Rajesh Komath


George Antony

Research Scholar
Caste, Land, and Social Power: Lower Caste Tharavadu in North Malabar

This thesis intends to understand manifold processes and exertion of forms of social power in relation to the various systems of caste and land in the social structures of North Malabar in the late 18th to the first half of the 20th century. The transformation of caste-based landlordism and subsequent social alterations that has been experienced by the dominant and the subordinated in the social relations of North Malabar are the
the subject matter of enquiry.

Guide: Dr. Rajesh Komath


Dinu Monachan

Research Scholar
Popular Culture in Kerala
Guide: Dr. Rajesh Komath



Dinah Cherian

Research Scholar
A Study on the Effectiveness of mindfulness based Intervention to Promote Mental Health Among Adolescents
Guide: Dr. P Sanal Mohan
Co Guide: Lizy James


Maya M

Research Scholar
Cultural Change Among Tribal Societies: A Study on the Kanikkar Tribes in Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala

My research topic is “cultural change among tribal societies:A study on kanikkars in Tvm district.”
The Kanikkar tribe is facing a significant cultural change, due to a number of factors.This research will help to
identify the main factors that are driving cultural change among the Kanikkar tribe.
I also focus on understanding how cultural change impacts the tribe’s traditional beliefs, practices, and social structures.

Guide: Dr. Abhilash Babu


Jimshad M A

Research Scholar

Colonialism and Gold Mining: A Social History of Wayanad Region

A Historical study that explores the impact of colonialism and gold mining in the Wayanad region of Kerala. The research area delves into the social history of gold mining in Wayanad within the context of colonialism. By examining the intricate connections between colonialism and mining, my research uncovers the multifaceted impact of colonial practices on mining. Exploring mining history, colonialism, and social history, allows me to explore the historical dynamics that have shaped societies, economies, and cultures through the lens of resource extraction and imperial influence.
Guide: Dr. Abhilash Babu


Haritha S Jain

Research Scholar
Social and Cultural Transformation of Palakkad: A Historical Study. (1850-1967)
My research intends to trace the history of cultural transformation in the South Malabar region during the later colonial period. How through the transformation of cultural art forms, the region addressed and negotiated colonial modernity is being analyzed in the research. I also try to address the changes, which played a pivotal role in shaping the region’s cultural significance.
Guide: Dr. Abhilash Babu


Hamadou Amadou Cisse Barry

Research Scholar

Armed Conflict and School Education of Girls in Bandiagara, Mali

I specialize in studying social structures, rural community organizations, local dynamics, and social change. My work focuses on decentralization, local governance, and development. I’m also interested in climate change and communities’ endogenous adaptation strategies.

Guide: Dr. Abhilash Babu

Sekouba Doumbia

Research Scholar

Armed Conflict and School Education of Girls in Bandiagara, Mali

As armed forces have occupied the north and center of Mali since 2012, it affects all walks of life including of running schools. The thesis examines Mali’s education under a system of armed conflict as these groups spread terror, and hindering pedagogical activity. The impact of armed conflict on the enrolment and retention of girls at Bandiagara schools is a case to be explored empirically and engaging girl’s education in the context

Guide: Dr. Abhilash Babu


Sajeesh O G

Research Scholar


Inamu Rahman M P

Research Scholar

Care and Charity: A Sociological Study of Non-Governmental Organizations.

I specialize in studying charitable giving practices within religious contexts through ethnography. My research highlights the interplay between care, charity, and faith, offering insights into cultural and social dimensions of benevolence. My interests also encompass sociology of religion, examining connections between belief systems and societal dynamics, along with political sociology.

Guide: Dr. Rajesh Komath


George Varghese

Research Scholar

Conquering Darkness: The History of Electricity in Kerala. 1800 to 2000

My study covers the institutional history of electricity in Kerala from its advent to recent times. The research tries to unravel the motives behind the introduction of electric power generation, colonial interventions, the role of regional princely states, bureaucratic interactions, and socio-environmental movements that shaped the modernization of electricity generation, which changed the lives of people in Kerala. George also does film reviews and short films in visual media.
Guide: Dr. Abhilash Babu


Sachu Som

Research Scholar
Labour Engagements within City Spaces: The Vathuruthy Settlement of Tamil Migrant Labourers in Kerala
In my research, I seek to explore the alienation experienced by Tamil migrant workers in the urban spaces of Kochi. Broadly my areas of interest are urban spaces,  labour settlements, cultural nationalism, and Marxist interpretation of Indian society. Vathuruthy is a settlement near the Kochi Naval Base known for its Tamil migrant laborers.

Sachu occasionally writes in digital publications too.

Guide: Dr. Silpa Satheesh

Anjana Aby

Research Scholar
Museums from a Gender Perspective
Presentation and representation mean different in a museum space. I study the institution – museum from a post-structural feminist standpoint. The gendered representation of museums in selected museums of Kerala and their ways of knowledge production are explored. Fairs and Exhibitions are also looked into. My interest areas also include doing documentation, photo essays, and child education.
Guide: Dr. Dinesan V