Friday, March 28, 2025
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Pullarikkunnu, Malloossery P.O., Kottayam – 686 041
Phone :  0481 – 2392383 ,e-mail: , Website : view

Admission to M.A. programmes in the School of Social Sciences is based on a national level Common Admission Test (MGU-CAT) conducted every year during May-June. The State Government reservation policy is strictly adhered to for admissions. For admission to Ph.D preference is given to those having UGC-ICSSR, JRF/NET. Final selection is based on an interview conducted by the Doctoral Committee of the School. At the beginning of a new programme, the School offers six months’ course work on Social Theory, Social Science Research Methodology and the concerned supervisors offer course work focusing on the theme of the researcher.

The School has an academic calendar to plan the process of teaching-learning of theory, project/dissertation work as per the guidelines of UGC. The school has adopted progressive evaluation strategies by conducting courses with the academic flexibility and Choice Based Credit System. The School has a culture of student centric education and learning. Efforts are made to ensure student centric learning and knowledge management using ICT tools in the classrooms, formal/informal interaction between the faculty and the students, assignments, seminars, brainstorming sessions, group projects, tutorials, flipped class rooms, interaction of students with external experts/visiting faculty, freedom to select courses/electives within their programmes. Students are advised to make use of e-learning courses. Library facilities for self-learning, monthly seminars, lectures series, conferences and workshops also help in the furtherance of the academic career of students. Internal evaluation may use a large variety of evaluation strategies, such as performance in seminars, test papers, projects, fieldwork and study tours. The remedial coaching of SC/ST students were carried out under the UGC funding.

All the major Social Sciences are dealt with at this School.  The effort is to identify and explore along the frontiers of Social Science disciplines, new objects of knowledge about human affairs and social process.




All India


1. M.A. History Bachelor’s degree in the faculty of Social Sciences with not less than 45% marks in Part III.


20 % of the Sanctioned Seat

25 % of the Sanctioned Seat

2. M.A. Anthropology



20 % of the Sanctioned Seat

25 % of the Sanctioned Seat




MA History Provisional Ranklist 2023

MA Anthropology Provisional Ranklist 2023